Additional Links:
Visiting Nurse Services: Visiting Nurse Services Quick Guide to Community Resources, Jan. 2018
ChildNet Child Care Resource and Referral:
Iowa Child Care Resource and Referral agencies are community based agencies that lend a helping hand to people who care for and about children.
Iowa 211:
2-1-1 is the national abbreviated dialing code for free confidential access to health and human services information and referral. It is an easy to remember universal number for people to gain access to services without having to search them out on their own. Realizing people have a variety of means to seek out information, in addition to dialing 2-1-1, our database is available on this searchable website.
Iowa Child Care and Early Education Network:
Iowa Department of Human Services:
The Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) introduces a new Online Application for State of Iowa Services (OASIS). OASIS is for people applying for benefits administered by DHS, including:
- Food Assistance (formerly known as food stamps)
- Family Investment Program (limited time cash assistance for families with children)
- Medical Assistance (Medicaid, HAWK-I, other health insurance programs)
- Child Care Assistance (subsidized childcare for the working poor)
Iowa Department of Public Health:
Iowa State University Extension:
Iowa State University Extension builds partnerships and provides research-based learning opportunities to improve quality of life in Iowa.
Women, Infants & Children (WIC):
Women, Infants & Children (WIC), is a supplemental nutrition program for babies, children under the age of 5, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and women who have had a baby in the last six months. WIC helps families by providing healthy foods, nutrition education and referrals to other health care agencies.