How to Help


While it is true that funding for Head Start comes from federal support, “in-kind” is needed to keep Head Start going. For every $1.00 of federal money that is received, Head Start is required to find a 25ยข match in what is called in-kind. In-kind is donated time, space or services that are provided by parents and the community. When you volunteer with Head Start, you are truly giving back to your community. Without this support, Head Start would not be able to keep going.

Help Us Do More

Volunteers play an integral part in the success of Drake University Head Start. By donating their time and expertise, volunteers make it possible for Head Start to extend programs and initiatives far past what budget or staffing restraints might otherwise allow.

Listed below are just a few of the volunteer opportunities available. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 515-271-1854 to learn how you can become involved with Drake University Head Start.

Opportunities to be Involved as a Volunteer

  • Volunteer with young children in a Head Start Classroom
  • Assist staff and Head Start families at various Parent/Child events throughout the year
  • Assist with various activities that support the Early Head Start program
  • Assist with literacy events for Head Start children and their families
  • Serve as a Community Representative on the Drake University Head Start Policy Council
  • Gain research, writing, and editing skills by assisting with grant writing
  • Gain valuable experience regarding health and nutrition by serving on the Drake University Head Start Health Advisory Board
  • Various opportunities to assist and support the program administration and Head Start office staff
  • Assist with outdoor activities such as raking mulch, shoveling, etc.
  • Cleaning/sanitizing toys

Opportunities to be Involved as a Student

  • Use as a student teaching and practicum placement
  • Volunteer in a Head Start classroom
  • Gain research, writing, and editing skills by assisting with grant writing
  • Use Head Start as a resource for projects and papers
  • Gain public relations/marketing skills by participating in the family recruitment process

Opportunities to be Involved as a Corporation, Community Group or Individual

At various times throughout the year the program may need items such as mittens, hats and books for children ages birth to 5. As these needs are ever changing, please call 515-271-1854 for a current list of program needs or view the Drake University Head Start Wish List online.

Cash Donation Needs

  • Cash Donations for Literacy Activities and Programs
  • Cash Donations for Dental Exams for Children

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